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moss-be1003 "Warning: The current total number of facts: 2830 exceeds the number of facts limit: 2048"
Open, MediumPublic



When running the puppet-agent on moss-be1003, I see the following warning:

Warning: The current total number of facts: 2830 exceeds the number of facts limit: 2048

I gather that this is a soft limit, but I think it should be raised nonetheless?

Event Timeline

I discussed this with @Muehlenhoff in his evening/my morning.

09:12:36	<moritzm>	cdanis: I do yes, there's an older patch of mine, but the current line of thinking is to:
09:12:43	<moritzm>	a) keep the default value
09:12:59	<moritzm>	b) make it overrideable in Hiera where/if needed
09:13:23	<moritzm>	c) check those role where it triggers whether these facts should get filtered in puppetdb ingestion
09:13:36	<moritzm>	it's just a harmless warning, there's no functional impact
09:13:57	<moritzm>	I think we have a task for it, need to dig in older tasks around the start of the Puppet 7 migration

I couldn't find a task that looked relevant with a few Phab searches, but probably something related to T330490: Next steps for Puppet 7.
(And maybe T287674: puppetdb: filter large factsets?)

CDanis lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Tue, Jun 4, 6:46 PM