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Create the python-release repository
Open, MediumPublic


There is a mighty script that we informally call python-release, created by Riccardo, that we use to package new versions of our software, most notably spicerack and python-wmflib.

The goals of this task are:

  • Create a gitlab repository to host this software
  • Add some tweaks (already discussed with Riccardo) to upload various misc/help bash scripts to the right hosts (like aptXXXX, build2001, etc..) as part of the script.
  • Collect all info and credentials needed to run the script, add as many notes as possible in a
  • Somebody (not Riccardo) should test the script and do a Spicerack release, to confirm everything is working.

This will allow us to bypass Riccardo when deploying Python code \o/. No wait sorry, we love Riccardo, but we need to be able to release Spicerack even when he is on holidays :D


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Reduce manual actions/requirements for python_releaserepos/sre/python-release!1elukeyT367410main
Customize query in GitLab

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@Volans we can change the name if you want, otherwise please push the first version of the code when you have a moment :)

elukey renamed this task from Create the python-deploy repository to Create the python-release repository.Thu, Jun 13, 2:35 PM
elukey updated the task description. (Show Details)
elukey triaged this task as Medium priority.Mon, Jun 17, 3:04 PM

Name is perfect, thanks a lot!