With T343674 and Id141c10e2e735247321c95d26539f3afab369b13, mysql_legacy has been merged and needs a hotfix before being used in cookbooks:
- reduce general verbosity [] list_host_instances() specifically
- Remove progress bar on single host command + sql commands
- show_slave_status()
- needs handling being run on a replication source
- needs is_safe=True
- get_repl_info() has a parsing error
- .primary needs is_safe=True
- prep_src_for_cloning() fails because of .primary → not sure, needs to be tested
- self.run_command(f"mv {source_instance_data_dir}/* {target_instance_data_dir}") : with a /
- .stop_slave() need its return value handled
- get_repl_info() returns truncated binlog_file repl_position.
- .get_replication() needs a fix : TypeError: 'generator' object is not subscriptable.
- wait_for_replication to test, depends on get_replication. → not sure, needs to be tested.
- InstanceMulti to test because of self.sock being defined too late.
- self.run_command("CHANGE MASTER ....") → run_query.
- remove run_command and use sync/async directly
- trim __init__ of self.instances
- Naming : list_host_instance → list_host_instances
- Error handling: ensure that commands that returns something have their return handled