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text/02-frontend-headers.vtc seems to be broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


While reviewing I've noticed that GeoIP tests on text/02-frontend-headers.vtc seem to be broken:

$ grep ISP /tmp/vtcresults.XNPMl9fAB2 
**   s1    2.8 === expect req.http.X-GeoIP-ISP == "Century Link"
---- s1    2.8 EXPECT req.http.X-GeoIP-ISP (<undef>) == "Century Link" failed

it seems to me that tests are happy on production cause that expect stanza is never reached due to the wrong amount of requests/responses handled by server s1 on the test

Event Timeline

Vgutierrez triaged this task as Medium priority.Wed, Jul 3, 12:34 PM
Vgutierrez moved this task from Backlog to Traffic team actively servicing on the Traffic board.

Change #1051750 had a related patch set uploaded (by Vgutierrez; author: Vgutierrez):

[operations/puppet@production] varnish: Fix text/02-frontend-headers.vtc

Change #1051750 merged by Vgutierrez:

[operations/puppet@production] varnish: Fix text/02-frontend-headers.vtc

Vgutierrez claimed this task.