Common information
- dashboard:
- description: The containers owned by AUTH_wdqs are using 121.7Gi, this is more than expected.
- runbook:
- summary: The RDF Streaming Updater is using more than 100GiB of storage
- account: AUTH_wdqs
- alertname: RdfStreamingUpdaterSpaceUsageTooHigh
- cluster: thanos
- instance: thanos-fe1001:9112
- job: statsd_exporter
- prometheus: ops
- recorder: thanos-rule
- severity: task
- site: eqiad
- source: thanos
- team: search-platform
Firing alerts
- dashboard:
- description: The containers owned by AUTH_wdqs are using 121.7Gi, this is more than expected.
- runbook:
- summary: The RDF Streaming Updater is using more than 100GiB of storage
- account: AUTH_wdqs
- alertname: RdfStreamingUpdaterSpaceUsageTooHigh
- cluster: thanos
- instance: thanos-fe1001:9112
- job: statsd_exporter
- prometheus: ops
- recorder: thanos-rule
- severity: task
- site: eqiad
- source: thanos
- team: search-platform
- Source