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Odd session errors
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Author: xarses

ok having issues here. my mediawiki is being hosted on ( it appears
to have 2 issues that seem to be related. 1) a user loged in with "save my password" clicked can not
subit new information. it only 'previews' it. 2) with out clicking the "save my password" box the wiki
forgets who you are after the second page it dispalys after login. the wiki has worked on SF for over 30
days now and only today has it been an issue. also only today did i click the 'save my password' box on
my main user account. these both seem to be an error relating to PHP sessions but i have no idea how to
diagnose the problem further.

Version: 1.3.x
Severity: critical
OS: Linux
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 21 2014, 8:17 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz1828.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).