Author: kbaas
most ideally, something like a simple tag:
linktext=Start a new news article.
template=template:news article (optional, default: blank page)
And it would be nice if an input box for the article's title would show up on
the invoking article. This would generate a link that would copy the template
into a new page with a specified title, and bring the user to that article's
edit page. If the input box on the invoking page can't be done (though i've
seen a wiki where one can create forms -XWiki, i think it was?), they can enter
the article's title on the edit page, as one does when creating a new section.
if the inputbox can be done, a possible extra parameter to set whether the link
comes before or after the input box could be:
position=(before,after) (optional, default: after)
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement