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please fix certain types of edit conflict - new section versus editing the last section
Closed, ResolvedPublic


edit conflicts are a pain especially to newbies. Many common edit conflicts could be avoided with minor changes to MediaWiki.

If the mediawiki software treated adding a new section as not conflicting with editing the final section of a page then many common edit conflicts would become parallel editing.

So currently if the page ends:


I have an idea ** signed ~~~~

and two people want to edit changing it to either :


I have an idea ** signed ~~~~
:breeches NotCensored, NotSocialMedia, iz fattening and possibly licensed to the Illuminati. Do it! ~~~~



I have an idea ** signed ~~~~


OK so per BLP we can't have a category of ''People named by ****" as Reptilians. But how about a hidden category? Wouldn't that make more sense anyway? ~~~~

One of them will have a nasty edit conflict and will either waste some time or be lost forever. But if we changed mediawiki to say that a new section can always be added without edit conflict then we can haz:


I have an idea ** signed ~~~~
:breeches NotCensored, NotSocialMedia, iz fattening and possibly licensed to the Illuminati. Do it! ~~~~


OK so per BLP we can't have a category of ''People named by ****" as Reptilians. But how about a hidden category? Wouldn't that make more sense anyway? ~~~~

If you doubt the value of this do some stats on the number of edit conflicts per day, and their effect on editor retention

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:58 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz52197.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 22783 ***

This was not solved for so many years; either you do-it-yourself or you wait until the happy-makers deploy Flow.

The background of all this is that MW pages are verrry baad for discussion. Each time someone adds a comment, the whole page content is stored in the database. The same happens when changing a category. All this is ignored for years now, and, instead one extension follows the next one. No one cares about the basics. The board or Sue made a decision and all devs had to spend their power there.