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Can't edit page when logged in
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: kamron


I installed mediawiki on IIS recently (1.5.3) and I quickly find that could not
edit when logged in (I could on annonymous though! I disabled anonymous edit
since btw).

So I tried to trace why this was happening by putting some echo in the php code
and found that
$request->getText('wpEditToken') was returning me a constant value no matter
what my browser was sending back.

As the comparaison is failing, $this->preview is then set to true and I can't
validate my changes, only preview them. This seems to be the root of all my
current problems (no updaload possible, can't stay logged if "remember me" tick
box is unticked...).

To summary:

When editing a page and logged in:
The form do contain a wpEditToken value different each time (I checked the HTML
source code).
On commit, this value is then checked againstthe one retrieved by
Comparaison constantly fails because $request->getText('wpEditToken') is always
returning the same value (althouth $request->getText( 'wpSummary' ) is working).


Any help greatly appreciated

Version: 1.5.x
Severity: normal
OS: Windows 2000
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 21 2014, 8:57 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz4166.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Running on Windows? Fix PHP's session save path setting to point to a directory that exists
and is writable, or logins don't work.

kamron wrote:

Hello Brion

Thanks for your answer, I passed it to the administrators and it appears to be
exactly that.
The windows user account the website was running with had not write access to
the php sessions folder.

Everything is now working just fine.

Thanks again.

zigger wrote:

(re-opened to correct resolution)