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ENotif: "E-mail me when my user talk page is changed" is broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: gangleri


I made the test both at
having "E-mail me when my user talk page is changed" enabled
ant at where more the ENotif extemsion / more
functionality of the ENotif extension is enabeled.


best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 8:58 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz4201.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

robchur wrote:

That bug report is utterly incomprehensible.

gangleri wrote:

how to test this yourserlf

in the attachment
of Bug 3805: Phantom 'You have new messages' notification with enotif
is a change where I found the comment

  1. If the user talk page is *our* *own*, clear the flag
  2. when we are reading it or writing it.

I tried to use two acconts on the same Windows XP computer.
I was logged in with the user name GangleriBot in IE using one e-mail address
and with the user name Gangleri in Firefox using *onother* e-mail address.

I changed the talk page of GangleriBot in Firefox (being user Gangleri) but I
did *not* receive an e-mail notification.

a) I did get e-mail notifications about the change of user_talk:GangleriBot if
*other* users changed.
b) I also tried scenarios modifying user_talk:GangleriBot being logged out in
either IE or Firefox or both. Somtimes I did receive a confirmation about the
change of user_talk:GangleriBot somtimes *not* depending if I restarted the PC
or not.

Both and Both worked always. However
Brion told me that the mailserver rejected Enotif's about changing
user_talk:Gangleri. I assume that this happens because the e-mail headers differ.

Please open new bugs you can identify a relevant reason for this behaviour.

Is the function "user talk page is *our* *own*" implemented correctly for the
case that a couple is using the same e-mail address but different user names in
the wiki? Will they get ENotifs's on user talk pages or not?

Thanks in advance for looking into this!

best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]