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Error Message: Global default '6' is invalid for field math
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: knauth

I clicked on "Einstellungen" (= user settings) in MediaWiki.

Steps to Reproduce:
Click on "Einstellungen" (= user settings) in MediaWiki.

Actual Results:
After clicking on "Einstellungen" (= user settings) in MediaWiki I get the following error message:

[54a24a72] /community/index.php/Spezial:Einstellungen Exception from line 134 of /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/Preferences.php: Global default '6' is invalid for field math

(Where "path_to_wwwroot" is a replacement for apache's wwwroot-directory path.)

As far as I have figured out the system tries to get settings from the data base which are invalid. It is a fresh installation of MediaWiki without any content yet. Therefor I would expect no such error at all. I can clearly trace this to the Math extension: If I deactivate it in LocalSettings.php everything works fine.

This bug affects ALL users. Even new ones created.

Expected Results:
I would expect to see the "Einstellungen" page. But it does not show the page. Instead I get the error message as described.

Reproducible: Always

The full stack trace:

[20b5b220] /community/index.php/Spezial:Einstellungen Exception from line 134 of /srv/www/wwwroot_ssl/community/includes/Preferences.php: Global default '6' is invalid for field math


#0 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/Preferences.php(1233): Preferences::getPreferences(User, RequestContext)
#1 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/specials/SpecialPreferences.php(58): Preferences::getFormObject(User, RequestContext)
#2 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(379): SpecialPreferences->execute(NULL)
#3 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(503): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#4 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/Wiki.php(285): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#5 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/Wiki.php(588): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#6 /path_to_wwwroot/community/includes/Wiki.php(447): MediaWiki->main()
#7 /path_to_wwwroot/community/index.php(46): MediaWiki->run()
#8 {main}

Please note that the Wiki is installed in a subdirectory to wwwroot called "community". But this should have any effect according to the problem.

Version: REL1_23-branch
Severity: major
OS: Linux



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:38 AM
bzimport added a project: Math.
bzimport set Reference to bz67579.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

knauth wrote:

FYI: I am using the most recent stable version of MediaWiki and the Math extension.

physik wrote:

There is a change in the way how the Math extension is configured.
6 stands for define( 'MW_MATH_MATHJAX', 6 ); /// @deprecated
The new recommended setting for this application is:
$wgDefaultUserOptions['mathJax'] = true;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['math'] = MW_MATH_PNG;