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Update API gem to handle action=tokens deprecation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As of 26 August all tests using the API are failing:

13:42 chrismcmahon: hmm, breaking change to the API? {"tokens"=>{"*"=>"action=tokens has been deprecated. Please use action=query&meta=tokens instead."}}
13:42 legoktm: Deskana:
13:42 legoktm: chrismcmahon: yes there was an announcement
13:43 legoktm: nothing is broken though
13:43 legoktm: chrismcmahon:
13:43 chrismcmahon: thanks legoktm that's ummm annoying
13:43 legoktm: why?
13:45 chrismcmahon: I've never heard of Mediawiki-api-announce before, oh well.
13:45 legoktm: there's also mediawiki-api too
13:45 chrismcmahon: nor suspected that I should subscribe to it had I known it existed. anyway, I can fix the issue
13:46 legoktm: the list is listed at, please add links to it in other places too :)

Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:29 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz70066.

First things first, the API client should be refactored to not fail upon a deprecation warning. We can then look into how to best implement the new meta=tokens query (and what condition to switch on; AFAICT, the API endpoint is not versioned).

gerritadmin wrote:

Change 156480 had a related patch set uploaded by Dduvall:
Fixed token error handling

gerritadmin wrote:

Change 156480 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fixed token error handling