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Language is not displayed on language links
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I just tried a QRpedia code for the article "M1 15". The article exists on SVWP and ENWP. When i set my phone to German (as a test) and scanned the code, I came to a page telling me the article was not avaliable in German, but suggested I "read in one of the following languages:

  • M1_15
  • M1 15"

It is impossible to see what link leads to what language!

(And also, there shouldn't be an underscore on the first link).

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
OS: other
Platform: Smartphone



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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 3:44 AM
bzimport added a project: QRpedia-General.
bzimport set Reference to bz71643.

This bug should not have the LOWEST priority, since it effects the entire QRpedia project for any article not created in the users language.

The user will get a message saying "Read this article in another language" followed by a list of article names that in many cases will be identical. The user then has to check EVERY LINK to find out what language it leads to, and that could easily be solved by showing what link leads to what language.

If and when somebody decides to work on this, feel free to set a higher priority. Currently, priority reflects reality until reality changes. :)

Aklapper added a subscriber: Kelson.