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Option to hide minor bot edits from watchlist
Open, LowestPublic


We can hide bot edits, we can hide minor edits, but we cannot hide edits that are marked as both minor and bot. This would be very useful because :

  • hiding minor edits is quite dangerous because registered vandals can mark their edits as minor, and rollbacks are minor too, yet they indicate the edit has been dealt with and is no longer a concern
  • hiding bot edits can be counter-productive since often bots perform edits that we should know about, for example page tagging, removing reported users at vandalism boards (which indicates they have been dealt with), etc (I can give more examples if you want), and sometimes edits we don't need to know about (adding date parameters, archives, etc).

Generally, a bot will mark the edit as minor if we don't need to know about it, and not mark it as minor if we should know about it, and also mark it as non-bot if it's an atypical bot task (minor, e.g. vandalism reverts or non-minor, e.g. vandalism reports).

So, for a lot of people (admins in particular), the only edits that should be hidden are minor bot edits.

Event Timeline

Cenarium raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Cenarium updated the task description. (Show Details)
Cenarium changed Security from none to None.
Cenarium subscribed.
Krenair subscribed.

Do not create tasks in Phabricator without associating a project.

Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Dec 14 2014, 10:30 PM