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Edits made by whitelist members listed as pending changes
Closed, InvalidPublic


Some (not all) edits made by users in "whitelist" group are listed as pending changes and need to be reviewed by a "reviewer". This is unexpected behavior and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

A sample contributions page with pending changes is at


Event Timeline

Superyetkin raised the priority of this task from to High.
Superyetkin updated the task description. (Show Details)
Superyetkin changed Security from none to None.
Superyetkin subscribed.

Please be more specific: which edit wasn't autoreviewed?
I've checked the user's review log and it shows autoreview entries.

The change was autoreviewed as expected, but later deprecated by a reviewer, so had to be re-reviewed manually. Reopen the bug if there are examples where the autoreview didn't occur in the first place.