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Open Grid Engine Job dumps core (node)
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I've been trying to use Open Grid Engine to manage a job for a bot in the anon Tools-Labs project. I could see in anon.err that the job was getting dumped cores and was advised by YuviPanda in Cloud-Services to start the job on like this:

jstart -l release=trusty -N anon /usr/bin/node anon/anon.js --config /data/project/anon/config.json --verbose

Unfortunately I'm still seeing errors in /data/project/anon/anon.err

FATAL ERROR: v8::Context::New() V8 is no longer usable
/var/spool/gridengine/execd/tools-exec-12/job_scripts/7335380: line 4:  7662 Aborted                 (core dumped) /usr/bin/nodejs /data/project/anon/anon/anon.js --config /data/project/anon/config.json --verbose

What's weird is that running the job manually on with the command in the error seems to work fine:

/usr/bin/nodejs anon/anon.js --config /data/project/anon/config.json --verbose

Please advise. I currently have this bot running manually outside of grid, but it would be nice to have it run like other bots.

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edsu raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
edsu updated the task description. (Show Details)
edsu added a project: Toolforge.
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edsu triaged this task as Lowest priority.Jan 16 2015, 1:31 PM
edsu set Security to None.

Usually, when something works interactively, but not as a grid job, this is due to the job running out of memory as the default limit (256 MByte) is often insufficient and some programs have a very confusing way to report this resource deficit. Could you please try starting the job with -mem 512M, -mem 1G, etc. to see if that solves the issue?

Yes, this seemed to work:

jstart -N anon -mem 1g /usr/bin/node anon/anon.js --config /data/project/anon/config.json --verbose

honestly, I had no idea that it was using that much memory. Is it ok to run bot jobs that use that much memory?

In general, that is not a problem. If your jobs were continuously using hundreds of gigabytes, there would need to be a discussion if your tool/bot could be optimized or new hardware resources must be added (or, absolute worst case, the tool/bot be disabled if the other options are not feasible), but 1 GByte is usually far below the radar.

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