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WIWOSM not working in Wikipedias
Closed, ResolvedPublic


There are several issues regarding Wikipedias and OSM maps:

I'm not sure about how many of these issues are related to MediaWiki or in Phabricator scope, but I expect at least the first one to be.

Event Timeline

pere_prlpz raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
pere_prlpz updated the task description. (Show Details)
pere_prlpz subscribed.

I think the problem is unrelated to manteinance issues because links from categories stopped working at least weeks ago and maps in articles have at least some days ago.


And [[T86932]] seems to be unrelated to these issues, although I don't know how OSM-related services are organized in MediaWiki and the labs, nor if all them rely in a common broken resource that might be causing all these problems.

Now, WIWOSM is working again (in cawiki). The other two problems still remain.

Still not sure who of the Cloud-Services team could look into this...

scfc claimed this task.
scfc subscribed.
  1. When I go to and click "(mapa)", a working OSM map appears.
  2. When I go to and click on "OSM" or "(+totes)", working OSM maps appear.

Please reopen if I missed something.

scfc removed scfc as the assignee of this task.Apr 6 2015, 9:21 AM
scfc set Security to None.