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Move all draft/test pages of Co-op to appropriate destinations at
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We have our draft pages sitting in a couple different locations, and soon, we're going to need to move all of them over to their permanent spots to en.wikipedia when they are more or less ready. As far as I am aware, pages are generally going to be moved to a subpage of Wikipedia:Co-op, the Template namespace, or to the Module namespace. Here is where pages currently are residing and where they will go.

Event Timeline

I_JethroBT claimed this task.
I_JethroBT raised the priority of this task from to High.
I_JethroBT updated the task description. (Show Details)
I_JethroBT added a project: Co-op.

I suggest not putting anything in the templatespace unless it is going to be called from multiple locations. Most of the suggested names in templatespace will be better placed under Wikipedia/Co-op instead.

Also, anything that will be put in templatespace should start with "Co-op" to reduce confusion between template usage ("Template:Co-op Mentor profile front" instead of "Template:Mentor profile front")

@Soni. Agreed. I'll edit the destination list above to reflect your suggestions.

@Capt_Swing @Fhocutt - I've moved all of the pages over related to the Main page and Mentor landing page over. Can I just go ahead and start moving the module pages over to en.wikipedia? Can you start moving other pages that are needed so we can begin making profiles?

@I_JethroBT I'll move the templates and modules over today. I agree with @Soni that we should keep the profile templates in Co-op space for now, so I'll move them to Wikipedia:Co-op/Member_profile and Wikipedia:Co-op/Mentor_profile for now (we can always move them later).

  • J

hey @I_JethroBT I completed the template and module move. There are still categories to move, and I've assigned them to you. I created a new task @T90804 to track moving the Gadget-specific pages, and assigned it to myself.

@Capt_Swing Thanks a bunch. I've moved over the category pages to Thanks for listing off the target destinations for these categories. I also had to tweak some of the destinations since Soni and I decided some pages are better off in the project space as opposed to the Template space. Looks like all the moves here are done, so I'll wrap this up.