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ACUX 3 (validation)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ACUX v1, but this time with that smooth, client-side form validation you've been craving.

  • S, Munaf, and Steven check in to communicate reqs.
  • Get code on some shared server, probably cube.
  • Enumerate and capture the HTML of account creation permutations (mail account info, creating accounts with reason, override Anti-spoof checkbox, others?)
  • Munaf: finalize CSS assets
  • resolve CSS issues on resize: benefit text overlays form, benefit icon alignment, error feedback text, etc.
  • Browser testing
  • UI/UX requirements testing
  • Decide if there's a better alternative to "Security check" CAPTCHA header
  • Give Steven a list of all error messages. (The php containing them is fine.)
  • what to do with "Find out more about logging in." linking to which comes from
  • S and Munaf to resolve CSS issues for valid / invalid items: input text turns red/green, no images, validation text wraps poorly
  • (Maybe) add a hidden form field 'show_acux=1/0' that ensures the form is shown consistently to users who disable cookies
  • the AJAX username server validation does not hit AntiSpoof checks (username 555, Swalling vs. Swailing). Bug 40648 filed, requires core code fixes.
  • Kill the "Keep me logged in" function.
  • Unbold the instructional text in the fields
  • Remove the HTML5 email field validation.
  • Change ampersand in benefits title to 'and'
  • Clear validation from second password field if the first field is edited again.
  • Investigate: if there's a timeout (e.g. debugger), no tipsy tooltips appear thereafter
  • what happened to PLURAL support in mw.msg() ? (FIXED)
  • Investigate: on Firefox browser restart, window contents are empty (modifyPage() removed them but never replaced ).
  • Email Address and Security Check should be sentence case like the rest of the page
  • Update password-username matching (they can't match) on edit of either field
  • Validation not working in IE7+8 on XP and Windows7. (JS errors)
  • Benefits not appearing in IE9/Windows7
  • Add in 40% width again, so that benefits are spaced correctly.

Trello card: Yhhyj4KM

Event Timeline

Spage subscribed.

old task migrated from Trello Growth board that was Done or Complete