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Lists should have greater line-height to improve readability
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently lists have the same line-height as regular body text. This makes the points blend into each other, becoming hard to read. Bulleted and numbered lists (including the reference list) should have additional 14px spacing between each point.

(Let's see how 14px looks)


Screenshot_2015-03-24_11.36.59.png (1×794 px, 270 KB)

Event Timeline

KHammerstein raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KHammerstein updated the task description. (Show Details)
KHammerstein subscribed.

Change 199765 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bmansurov):
Make list items easy to read by adding margin-bottom

@bmansurov Can you attach a screenshot when finished? Just want to make sure it looks alright. Thanks!

Here you go:

Screen_Shot_2015-03-25_at_6.53.06_PM.png (1×806 px, 135 KB)

Note that there is no space after the last list item.

@bmansurov That looks great!
Would this go into beta first?

@KHammerstein, I did it for stable. Do you want it to go to beta first?

@bmansurov Stable first is fine. Can we decrease it down to 10 px?

Change 199765 merged by jenkins-bot:
Make list items easy to read by adding margin-bottom