I was digging around in AMSTeX and found some thingis, that could be usefull for
addition, I have managed to implement all but one (see patch).
The commands are:
\begin{align}...\end{align} and \begin{alignat}...\end{alignat}
:They will use the envs aligned and alignedat, and it a better and easier
alternative to ''array''
:a matrix in miniature, usefull if you need to include a small matrix in text.
\overset, \underset
:Superior to \stackrel
:didn't manage to implement this one, but it's needed if you want to add a prime
or simlar to \sum.
(\binom), \dbinom, \tbinom
:the \binom was defined, but was mission amstex definition, so it could fault if
no other ams tags was used, dbinom and tbinom is shortcuts for
\displaystyle\binom etc...
\dfrac, \tfrac
:\cfrac should only be used in subfracs, dfrac and tfrac for eas of use.
\xleftarrow, \xrightarrow
:A thing people have asked for. This is an arrow, to left or right, with the
abillity to defined text above or below the arrow, and the length of the arrow
is dependent of the length of the text.
:simlar to use as \mbox{foo}, but it's defined in AMSTex, so why not use it?
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement