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Impossibility to use the modification shortcut in Wikinews fr / Impossiblity to modificate my preferences
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: grimlockfr

The encountered bug is the following :
I can not use the "modification" shortcut on the french Wikinews where I have an
account with the username Grimlock : all the creations and global modifications
of an article are as a consequence forbidden for me.
Moreover, some modifications in "my preferences" are also blocked. This occurs
since yersteday, whereas no modifications of my wikinews specifications where
done just before.
The error message is the following : "you have chosen to open index.php which is
a PHP file from What shoud (the navigator) do ?" when I
click on the shortcut.

Nevertheless, all inside modifications (modificate shortcuts close to a
paragraph title, for example) are allowed.
This problem is present on both Windows and Linux OS, either I use as navigator
Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla 1.7.6 or FireFox 2.0 and, when I'm not logged,
the bug does not occur. I precise that on all the other wikis I have a count on,
this bug does not occur.

I suppose it can be an error in my monobook.js, but other people on the wiki
have the same one, and they do not encounter any problem

Version: unspecified
Severity: major
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 9:23 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz7828.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

grimlockfr wrote:

The part concerning the preferences seems to work again : I did not proceed to
any modifications.

robchur wrote:

This isn't too clear as to what the problem is. Please provide a clear
explanation of what you did to produce the problem, including step-by-step

I'm going to hazard a wild first guess, based on the "download index.php" issue,
that this might be the good old external editor preference kicking in, in which
case, see if deselecting "use an external editor" in your account preferences
fixes the apparent problem. If not, please provide further details.

grimlockfr wrote:

(In reply to comment #2)

This isn't too clear as to what the problem is. Please provide a clearexplanation of what you did to produce the problem,

including step-by-stepinstructions.I'm going to hazard a wild first guess, based on the "download index.php" issue,that this
might be the good old external editor preference kicking in, in whichcase, see if deselecting "use an external editor" in your
account preferencesfixes the apparent problem. If not, please provide further details.

Thank you Rob, the problem is now solved.

robchur wrote:

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2760 ***