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Special pages do not work after upgrading to 1.8.2
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: hwasungmars

After upgrading to 1.8.2 special pages do not work. The link has been messed up and I am not the only person that has this problem.
See here: Also somebody came up with a solution,
but I wanted to inform mediawiki team about this bug.

Version: 1.8.x
Severity: normal
OS: Linux
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 9:26 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz7873.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

robchur wrote:

What special pages don't work?
What does "don't work" mean?
What error messages appear?
Upgrading from which version?
Anything installed other than the vanilla?

hwasungmars wrote:

I have upgraded from 1.7 and also did a clean upgrade in another server just to check whether it was caused by failure in
upgrade. You can check it out on my homepage:
You can mess around as you want. I found that other people are having the same problems check out here, too: http://

The problem is that the link does not work, I have to put in "Special" manually to get into the special page. I found out
manual input makes it work fine. The error message says "There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this
page title in other pages or edit this page." And I did a clean install. I do not use ANY extensions.

robchur wrote:

Relevant information needs to be on this bug report, not accessible via some
third-party URL. For outsiders, the bug seems to be that links to special pages
are missing the namespace prefix, thus causing them to fail. This prevents users
logging in, etc.

In addition, manually entering a special page name, e.g. "Special:Version" in
the search box and hitting Go screws up.

Assuming OS is Linux and the web server in use seems to be Apache. What version
of PHP?

hwasungmars wrote:

PHP: 5.0.5-2ubuntu1.6
OS: Linux Ubuntu Kernel 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8
Mysql: 4.0.24
Mediawiki: 1.8.2

Special pages drop the prefix "Special" so that causes them to fail.

Details and comments:
I have tried a fresh install that also resulted in this failure.

Upgrade to PHP 5.1 or 5.2, this is a bug in PHP on 64-bit systems that was fixed a year ago.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 7577 ***