Labs Openstack upgrade on Tuesday, 2016-08-02, 16:00 UTC

Andrew will be upgrading our Openstack install from version 'Kilo' to version 'Liberty' on Tuesday the 2nd. The upgrade is scheduled to take up to three hours. Here's what to expect:

  • Tools services and existing Labs uses should be unaffected apart from brief ( < 1 minute) interruptions in network service.
  • Continuous Integration tests (Jenkins, Zuul, etc.) will be disabled for most of the upgrade window.
  • Creation/Deletion of new instances will be disabled for most of the window.
  • Wikitech and Horizon may error out occasionally and/or display inconsistent information. Users may need to refresh their web logins after the upgrade.

Apart from fixing a few seldom-seen bugs, this upgrade shouldn't result in noticeable changes for Labs users. It will lay the groundwork for an upcoming Horizon upgrade, but that will be announced in future posts/emails.

Written by Andrew on Aug 1 2016, 5:01 PM.
chasemp, Jart1596

Event Timeline

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