This task [and its subtasks] is about the work involved with instrumenting both the existing and revised [1] adding/modifying links and citations workflows on mobile, in VE.
== Open questions ==
- [ ] How will we be able to interact with the data our instrumentation/event logging is gathering?
- [ ] Will we need to oversample Edit events?
== Background ==
We know what proportion of edits using the visual editor involve using common editing features. [2] We do not //yet// know how many contributors take which actions //within// these workflows. We are pursuing instrumentation to help us answer questions related to this second part. Questions like...
- What % of contributors who start to add/modify a link and citation are successful in doing so? How do these proportions compare across the existing and revised workflows?
-- This kind of information could be helpful in identifying opportunities to make adjustments that will help these contributors find their way (read: be successful in) adding/modifying links/citations.
- Do "Edit cards" encourage more people to engage more deeply with adding/modifying links and citations?
-- Asked another way: "What percentage of contributors who are shown the edit card (revised) or context item (existing) end up engaging with it?"
- What % of edit sessions, in which contributors successfully add/modify a link, result in them attempting to save their edits?" How do the revised and end existing flows compare in this way?
- Do "Edit cards" cause more people to add/modify links and citations more efficiently?
This work sits within our larger effort to improve the mobile edit completion rate. Work that depends on us being able to know what contributors actually do after starting an editing session.
== Instrumentation needs ==
Suggested values for the VisualEditorFeatureUse schema follow each instrumentation point in //feature// > //action// format.
===馃敆 //Existing// link workflows===
- A link context item being shown because the user has tapped on a link (//link/internal// > //context-show// or //link/external// > //context-show//)
- A link being deleted from the context item (//link/internal// > //clear// or //link/external//> //clearWhen adding a new link, the feature field should be //link-add//; when editing an existing link, it should be //link-edit-internal// or //link-edit-external//, as the case may be.
- A link context item being shown because the user has tapped on a link (action //context-show//)
- A link dialog being opened for editing from the context item (//link/internal// > //window-open-existing// or //link/external// > //window-open-existingbeing deleted using the button in the context item (action //clear//)
- A link dialog being opened to insert a new link from the toolbar item (//link// >(action //window-open-new//n//)
- With a link dialog open, text being typed or changed in the "search pages" field for the first time since the dialog opened (//link// > //search-pages-input//)- We will distinguish windows opened from the toolbar from windows opened from context items using the feature
- With a link dialog open, text being typed or changed in the "external link""search pages" field for the first time since the dialog opened (//link// > //external-linkaction //search-pages-input//)
- With a link dialog open, the dialog being closed usingtext being typed or changed in the "external link" field for the first time since the back arrow (//link// > //window-close//dialog opened (action //external-link-input//)
- With a link dialog open, the linkdialog being inserted or confirmed by pressing "done" (//link// > //insert-done//closed using the back arrow (action //abort//)
- With a link dialog open, the link being inserted or confirmed by tapping on one of the results from "search pages" (//link// > //insert-search-pages//pressing "done" (action //apply-done//)
- With a link dialog open, the link being inserted or confirmed by tapping on one of the results from "search pages" (//apply-search-pages//)
===馃敆 //Revised// link workflows===
(@Neil_P._Quinn_WMF to finish defining)
- When does the context item get shown?
- When do contributors tap the "馃敆" icon in the toolbar?
- When do contributors tap the "unlink" button in the context item?
- When do contributors tap the "edit link target" button in the context item?
- When do contributors tap the "edit label text" button in the context item?
- When do contributors tap the "edit link target" button in the context item?
- When do contributors tap into the link search dialog in the link inspector view?
- When do contributors tap/select a Wikipedia article link from within the inspector view search results?
- When do contributors tap the "Done" button in the link inspector view?
===馃摎 //Existing// citation workflows===
(@Neil_P._Quinn_WMF to define)
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===馃摎 //Revised// citation workflows===
(@Neil_P._Quinn_WMF to define)
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- [Schema:VisualEditorFeatureUse](
- [Wireframes: linking w/ contextual inputs](
- [Mobile context items hypotheses](
- [Desktop VE feature use](
1. **Revised workflows**:
2. **Feature use data**: