Currently, the template search in both VE and Template Wizard searches for exact matches of keywords in template names, in order (similar to article search). This means that if you search "Dog", then "Infobox Dog" will not show in search results. This means you can also use the search to find the templates you already know exist and already know/remember the exact name of. We want to make it easier to find all relevant templates, even if users do not know or remember the exact title. This should not negatively impact users who are searching and do know the exact title.
Related-ish phabricator tickets {T257738}, {T162695}
Current examples:
|Template Dialog (VisualEditor and 2017 wikitext editor) | TemplateWizard (2010 wikitext editor)
| {F33996580}| {F33996583} |
[] Adjust the search algorithm and results displayed in both the VisualEditor Template Dialog and the TemplateWizard (source editor)
[] Change bolding to match new article search: bold all parts of template name which do //not// include the search term. This helps to highlight and scan the differences between the results, which is used for easy comparison.
[] Search for search term in both the template name and template description. Prioritize results with matches in name and description, then just name, then just description.
**Open questions**
- Is order currently based on how often the template is used if multiple results? What is the current 'relevance' ordering algorithm based on?