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Add mobile target for resource loader modules Wikibase depends on
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Wikibase depends on some resource loader modules in core which currently are not marked with target => mobile. However, they are needed for editing Wikidata in mobile view and thus should also be available there.

The list of modules Wikibase depends on (in core) is:

  • jquery.tipsy
  • jquery.ui.position
  • jquery.ui.toggler
  • jquery.ui.widget


Event Timeline

Bene raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Bene updated the task description. (Show Details)
Bene added subscribers: Bene, Aklapper.
Jdlrobson claimed this task.
Jdlrobson subscribed.

We have no plans to support jQuery UI in MobileFrontend and this is intentional behaviour. Performance is extremely important in mobile thus we are minimising the ways you can build UIs and the frontend standardisation group has decided that oojs ui is the standard library for building these sorts of things.

Please port your modules to oojs ui.
Note: jquery.tipsy may not be such a problem. You can open a separate task for that.