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[Bug] Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met: (via Wikibase Lua code)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


there are numerous entries in the logs like this:

Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met:
[connect to (wikidatawiki)]
TransactionProfiler.php line 307 calls wfBacktrace()
TransactionProfiler.php line 146 calls TransactionProfiler->reportExpectationViolated()
LoadBalancer.php line 545 calls TransactionProfiler->recordConnection()
DBAccessBase.php line 61 calls LoadBalancer->getConnection()
WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup.php line 161 calls DBAccessBase->getConnection()
WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup.php line 70 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup->selectRevisionInformationMultiple()
PrefetchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor.php line 192 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup->loadRevisionInformation()
PrefetchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor.php line 161 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\PrefetchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor->doFetch()
WikiPageEntityRevisionLookup.php line 78 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\PrefetchingWikiPageEntityMetaDataAccessor->loadRevisionInformation()
CachingEntityRevisionLookup.php line 148 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\WikiPageEntityRevisionLookup->getEntityRevision()
CachingEntityRevisionLookup.php line 131 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\CachingEntityRevisionLookup->fetchEntityRevision()
CachingEntityRevisionLookup.php line 148 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\CachingEntityRevisionLookup->getEntityRevision()
CachingEntityRevisionLookup.php line 131 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\CachingEntityRevisionLookup->fetchEntityRevision()
RevisionBasedEntityLookup.php line 41 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\CachingEntityRevisionLookup->getEntityRevision()
- line - calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\RevisionBasedEntityLookup->getEntity()
EntityRedirectResolvingDecorator.php line 79 calls call_user_func_array()
RedirectResolvingEntityLookup.php line 50 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRedirectResolvingDecorator->__call()
WikibaseLuaBindings.php line 199 calls Wikibase\Lib\Store\RedirectResolvingEntityLookup->getEntity()
Scribunto_LuaWikibaseLibrary.php line 336 calls Wikibase\Client\DataAccess\Scribunto\WikibaseLuaBindings->getSiteLinkPageName()
Engine.php line 384 calls Wikibase\Client\DataAccess\Scribunto\Scribunto_LuaWikibaseLibrary->getSiteLinkPageName()
- line - calls Scribunto_LuaSandboxCallback->__call()
Engine.php line 297 calls LuaSandboxFunction->call()
LuaCommon.php line 238 calls Scribunto_LuaSandboxInterpreter->callFunction()
LuaCommon.php line 864 calls Scribunto_LuaEngine->executeModule()
Hooks.php line 116 calls Scribunto_LuaModule->invoke()
Parser.php line 3774 calls ScribuntoHooks::invokeHook()
Parser.php line 3508 calls Parser->callParserFunction()
Preprocessor_Hash.php line 1100 calls Parser->braceSubstitution()
Preprocessor_Hash.php line 1537 calls PPFrame_Hash->expand()
Parser.php line 3647 calls PPTemplateFrame_Hash->cachedExpand()
Preprocessor_Hash.php line 1100 calls Parser->braceSubstitution()
Parser.php line 3327 calls PPFrame_Hash->expand()
Parser.php line 1231 calls Parser->replaceVariables()
Parser.php line 434 calls Parser->internalParse()
WikitextContent.php line 331 calls Parser->parse()
AbstractContent.php line 497 calls WikitextContent->fillParserOutput()
PoolWorkArticleView.php line 140 calls AbstractContent->getParserOutput()
PoolCounterWork.php line 123 calls PoolWorkArticleView->doWork()
Article.php line 676 calls PoolCounterWork->execute()
ViewAction.php line 44 calls Article->view()
MediaWiki.php line 456 calls ViewAction->show()
MediaWiki.php line 255 calls MediaWiki->performAction()
MediaWiki.php line 677 calls MediaWiki->performRequest()
MediaWiki.php line 474 calls MediaWiki->main()
index.php line 41 calls MediaWiki->run()
index.php line 3 calls include()

these also occur in other contexts where WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup.

I see two issues here:

1 ) I think WikiPageEntityMetaDataLookup should only fallback to master when EntityRevisionLookup::LATEST_FROM_MASTER is explicitly set. Right now, we might have a list of ids and some are deleted. They are not found on a slave db and then we check master.

I don't think such check should be done in this case. (only do in cases where need to worry about slave lag)

  1. getSiteLinkPageName should not need to load the full entity. We can use SiteLinkLookup here. (yes, that has the issue that we still do not badges in the SiteLink objects here -- which we really should fix!) But if all we want is page name, then SiteLinkLookup would work and would be less evil than loading the entity.

Event Timeline

aude raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
aude updated the task description. (Show Details)
aude subscribed.
aude triaged this task as High priority.Aug 13 2015, 10:21 AM
aude renamed this task from Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met: (via Wikibase Lua code) to Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met: (via Wikibase Lua code) [Bug].Aug 13 2015, 10:24 AM
aude renamed this task from Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met: (via Wikibase Lua code) [Bug] to [Bug] Expectation (masterConns <= 0) by MediaWiki::main not met: (via Wikibase Lua code).Aug 13 2015, 10:56 AM
hoo claimed this task.

This should no longer be a problem, as T108929 has been resolved.