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Create a pageview stats project on labs
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Project Name: wikistats


Wikitech Username of requestor: Gedda

Event Timeline

Together with 10 of my fellow friends, we've decided to replace the old statistics tool ( with a new and fresh statistics tool.
This is a thing we are developing as a part of a course at our university, but we are very interested in keeping the community involved, all the way through.

@Egedda Surely you know about Pageviews Analysis? This was forked from the demo app created by the analytics team, and is now linked to on most wikis. When I started this project I was unaware of the commtech plans... and now was under the impression we'd sort of team up on it. Is that no longer an interest? I of course don't want to get in the way of anyone's plans, but I would like reassurance that my hard work won't ultimately replaced by another tool.

Ah, sorry, I see this is part of a university course, presumably apart from commtech? That sounds very important, and not something you shouldn't abandon just because another tool already exists. I obviously am in no position to dictate what others want to work on, but thought I'd offer a friendly suggestion: Perhaps you could consider focusing on features that don't exist? I have started on a "Topviews Analysis" tool which illustrates top viewed pages, which I hope to have out soon. The one other highly requested feature that requires a new UI would be a tool to show pageview data on an article across all projects. I had plans to take on that as well, and call it "Langviews Analysis" (just a fun name to be in line with the two other tools). If you are interested in working on that it would bring a much desired tool to fruition that doesn't exist.

@Egedda Surely you know about Pageviews Analysis? This was forked from the demo app created by the analytics team, and is now linked to on most wikis. When I started this project I was unaware of the commtech plans... and now was under the impression we'd sort of team up on it. Is that no longer an interest? I of course don't want to get in the way of anyone's plans, but I would like reassurance that my hard work won't ultimately replaced by another tool.

Sure, I've been looking into your project and I personally would gladly collaborate and together develop what is ultimately best for everyone.
The problem of doing this as a part of a course in school, is that we aren't allowed to join an active project but instead we have to start a new one.
This is due to an ancient system our supervisor uses to grade our performance and contributions and the overall progress of our project.
But that being said, we are still allowed to interact and involve the community throughout the full development cycle, and we intend to do so as much as we can.

Our main focus is to create aesthetically pleasing, and a easy to use tool to provide statistics for the everyday user, together with full i18n.
Even though we start this thing as a new project I would be glad to be able to discuss different design choices and general development with you, as you probably have much more experience with the current REST API and knowledge about your user base.

My end goal is not to develop a replacement, but instead something of a merge between your functionality and our design goals, something that suits the end user the best.

If you are still worried about something, you can always reach me at and I'll happily answer any questions, discuss ideas, or even present my groups project plan in more detail if you want.

Ah, sorry, I see this is part of a university course, presumably apart from commtech? That sounds very important, and not something you should abandon just because another tool already exists. I obviously am in no position to dictate what others want to work on, but thought I'd offer a friendly suggestion: Perhaps you could consider focusing on features that don't exist? I have started on a "Topviews Analysis" tool which illustrates top viewed pages, which I hope to have out soon. The one other highly requested feature that requires a new UI would be a tool to show pageview data on an article across all projects. I had plans to take on that as well, and call it "Langviews Analysis" (just a fun name to be in line with the two other tools). If you are interested in working on that it would bring a much desired tool to fruition that doesn't exist.

Yeah this course is more about project management ( than it is about commtech, hence the limitations sadly.
We discussed internally if we should implement a Top X views/edits feature and decided not to, since we found it outside the scope of our intended pageview stats tool. Thus, our development won't interfere with your Topviews Analysis project.

And regarding a feature to show pageview data for an article across all projects, I'm still a bit unsure of all the terms yet, but we intend to implement the ability to compare across different language instances of a project (for example comparing article X on English Wikipedia vs Swedish Wikipedia).

If you mean by comparing articles on totally different projects with each other we are still debating in our group whether to implement it or not, it mostly comes down to if it is worth to design the whole website/application around that feature, since it adds several steps of complexity for the end user.
My group will write a software specification document soon (as a part of the course), discussing use cases and features and such, in which we will go more in depth about the pros and cons of this particular feature, since we consider this feature kind of a big deal .
It would be excellent to have some feedback from you and others, since I can't image our tiny group of ten uni students can represent the whole future user base.

We are always open for debate, since we do understand that this feature was highly requested, and we haven't settled on anything yet.

@Egedda Does your team really want to create a separate Labs project or can your new service be created as a Tool Labs tool?

Either platform allows a group to collaborate to develop and maintain a software service, but Labs requires a higher ongoing commitment in the form of managing servers and software packages in addition to the custom software provided by the project maintainers. See What is the difference between Labs and Tool Labs? on wikitech for additional explanation of the difference.

@Egedda Does your team really want to create a separate Labs project or can your new service be created as a Tool Labs tool?

Either platform allows a group to collaborate to develop and maintain a software service, but Labs requires a higher ongoing commitment in the form of managing servers and software packages in addition to the custom software provided by the project maintainers. See What is the difference between Labs and Tool Labs? on wikitech for additional explanation of the difference.

Ah, thanks for clarifying. My bad, didn't know there was a difference between Labs project and Tool labs tool, shame on me.
Seems like I should be able to create my own Tool Labs tool without requiring anything more than a Tools account and a service group, which I do have.
If so, then this subtask/request may be closed since it was not my intention to create anything but a Tool.

If so, then this subtask/request may be closed since it was not my intention to create anything but a Tool.

No worries! Good luck with your project.