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Make Vector's log-in link in the personal tools more obvious
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Request from user testing. Possibly we could do something as simple as making it bold/emphasised, but making this more attractive to clicks could also have significant deleterious impacts on wikis so I'm somewhat hesitant.

Event Timeline

How do you expect this to be deleterious? (Example?)

I changed 'Log in' from normal text to bold and I think this looks better than previous so is this fine?

Log in.png (83×413 px, 6 KB)

@Jdforrester-WMF I have submitted the patch, can the patch be merged?

@Jdforrester-WMF I have submitted the patch, can the patch be merged?

No, this is far too early. I created this task as input, not a decision. It needs the owners of the Wikimedia desktop and mobile site design (Web-Team-Backlog) to consider possible design changes.

Change 409692 abandoned by Jdlrobson:
Emphasise "Log in" link appearence in personal tools

I'm abandoning this patchset for the time being given

Let's discuss further on the Phabricator ticket. This patch can be restored if consensus on the approach is reached.

The latest preview of Vector 22, changes the Login link, no longer displaying it among the set of promoted user actions, in favour of rendering an "Create account" link only. I note that our current "Create account" page does not feature a tabbed interface, or otherwise recognises possible misclicks by nudging towards Login in some way.

Screenshot 2022-08-11 at 19.01.12.png (788×2 px, 269 KB)

The numbers from the Login Timing dashboard suggest we have 10X more logins than account creations (counting UI actions via the special page, as reached via logged-out pageviews predominantly, I presume).

Screenshot 2022-08-11 at 18.58.54.png (844×1 px, 91 KB)

Jdlrobson subscribed.

Mostly likely can be declined now the new Vector skin has been deployed.

It sounds like you suggest declining a problem, one that is shown to be potentially harmful to how likely readers are to utilize their account and engage long-term, withour product rationale or emperical evidence, other than that it fell off the radar during the initial launch?

In any event, the request to re-introduce a "Log in" on page views was coincidentally implemented and deployed by your team last week, as part of T289212.

@Krinkle this task is about legacy Vector, a skin that is gradually being phased out for anonymous users.

T289212 was a change for modern Vector, a different skin with a different phabricator tag. My understanding is that this was done based on the community RFC, not usage data.

Rather than speculate on this one feature in isolation, I recommend letting @ovasileva decide and prioritize based on what else needs doing. She likely to have a more holistic view and more insights from the community.