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Files are still in the cache after deletion
Closed, DuplicatePublic


I've already deleted the following file but it is still in the cache.

(Note: First link was 404 error, so I removed it)

Event Timeline

Urbanecm subscribed.

This file is copyright violation, so we should remove it ASAP.

First link (Sajid-Monkey-Bizness.webm) is currently 404 error, so I'll delete it from description.

For developers: Please run mwscript eraseArchivedFile.php --wiki commonswiki --filename 'Sajid-kpanda.webm' --filekey '*' please (or mwscript eraseArchivedFile.php --wiki commonswiki --filename 'Sajid-kpanda.webm' --filekey '*' --delete if you want the script don't ask about deleting). Thanks.

Urbanecm updated the task description. (Show Details)

I don't think that this is duplicate but after some discussion on IRC this file was removed. Thank for report.

For developers: Please run mwscript eraseArchivedFile.php --wiki commonswiki --filename 'Sajid-kpanda.webm' --filekey '*' please (or mwscript eraseArchivedFile.php --wiki commonswiki --filename 'Sajid-kpanda.webm' --filekey '*' --delete if you want the script don't ask about deleting). Thanks.

Developers do not necessarily have access to run that

@NahidSultan I have 404 error at this moment.

@Krenair So somebody with permission to execute this command :). Is here some name for this group?

Is here some name for this group?

People with deployment access and sysadmin IIRC.

IIRC stand for what? Thanks for your help.

@NahidSultan I have 404 error at this moment.

now it's 404 :)

@Luke081515 Thanks. I thought that is something related to WMF.

ops, deployers and restricted users would be able to run that