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[Concept] Integration and editing of Wikidata in Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Apr 15 2016, 3:09 PM
Referenced Files
F5318241: ClientEditingMockUp2.xml
Jan 20 2017, 12:18 PM
F5318130: ClientEditingMockUp2.pdf
Jan 20 2017, 11:51 AM
"100" token, awarded by Liuxinyu970226."100" token, awarded by Pintoch."100" token, awarded by Esc3300."Like" token, awarded by Trizek-WMF.


Research started 2015 with this bachelor's thesis.

We want users to be able to easily fill an infobox (also partially) with data from Wikidata as well as allowing to edit the data without having to leave the page.
We need to make sure, that this feature won't facilitate vandalism while still being easily understandable with little knowledge of Wikidata.

Reducing redundancy and thus creating coherent and up-to-date information across all language Wikipedias, especially helping small language Wikipedias by reducing their work load.

Plan for Q4:

  • integrate the feedback from the user tests into the prototype
  • research solutions for new issues that have come up (will link them when I have a coherent list)
  • investigate the technical implementation


See also:

Event Timeline

If it is still to be considered, please state:

  • Intended audience
  • Intended Purpose
Charlie_WMDE renamed this task from Client editing! to Integration and editing of Wikidata in Wikipedia [concept].Sep 27 2016, 10:11 AM
Charlie_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)


Is there anything else you can think of that can be done for Q4?

There's a nice task-graph on T103092 - perhaps this task could be merged into that one (and re-opened)?
Or, connect it more clearly with the other related tasks, and outcomes of the work, in some other way?
(e.g. I linked these 3 things

at this Wishlist proposal, because I wasn't sure where else to point to.) Thanks!

Hi @Quiddity

that's a good point. I added it as a subtask and reopened the Story.
Also thanks for linking the ongoing research on the wishlist. I will add some comments in the discussion there!

Ability to edit Wikidata from WP and other projects is the 12th result on the community wishlist survey, the first concerning Wikidata.

As a volunteer, I'm involved on discussions on French Wikipedia and elsewhere where people are expecting the feature described on this task (and better integration in watchlists). I've heard that there is a plan to add Wikidata support on Commons and Wiktionnaire, where that issue of editing(and watching) will be certainly raised.

So what is your schedule about this feature? Can we expect to have it soon?

It will not happen soon, no. It is a large undertaking and we'll take it step by step. The next thing that will happen is publishing Charlie's prototype as soon as it is ready. This should be in January or early February.
I realize this is important but:

  • I want this to be done right instead of hasty
  • the team is already stretched more than thin with what is on their plate.
Lydia_Pintscher renamed this task from Integration and editing of Wikidata in Wikipedia [concept] to [Concept] Integration and editing of Wikidata in Wikipedia.Jan 3 2017, 3:09 PM

Little update on my work. I have now integrated all the feedback I had gotten so far, from talking to people and the user interviews I had done, into new mock-ups. (Sorry it's only a PDF but I somehow can't get to export sensibly into any other format).

This is already the second version I've made and this is also the one I will now make a clickable prototype out of, which is what I'm currently working on.

IF you have any questions or comments or advice, please let me know :)

For those who wanna edit it yourself.

SVG exports unfortunately doesn't really work.