Page MenuHomePhabricator doesn't have a functioning mobile website
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MobileFrontend is installed and the link is showing up in the footer, but doesn't seem to be working. Can this be fixed?

Event Timeline

The dns name is missing for the mobile version; adding it should be enough.

Joe triaged this task as Low priority.May 17 2016, 10:31 AM

I am not sure what is our policy about adding mobile records to the dns, but I am posting a change that should enable this.

@BBlack is there anything I should consider before enabling this?

Change 289163 had a related patch set uploaded (by Giuseppe Lavagetto):

We should probably do the patchset to do all the arbcom wikis at once or none.

Have we checked MobileFrontend handles security properly for the private wikis?

We should probably do the patchset to do all the arbcom wikis at once or none.

Is MobileFrontend installed for them? Is there other configuration required that's done for nl and not the others?

Have we checked MobileFrontend handles security properly for the private wikis?

Based on my limited testing, it seems to. Note the DNS change isn't really a factor in this if it doesn't...

Is MobileFrontend installed for them? Is there other configuration required that's done for nl and not the others?

I had a very quick scan of the config files, and It doesn't look like we have a switch for individual projects.

Have we checked MobileFrontend handles security properly for the private wikis?

It's already enabled and working (with m. domain) on officewiki. otrs_wikiwiki and collabwiki are missing the domains though.

Change 289163 merged by Giuseppe Lavagetto:

The mobile site now works.