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Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Spinning off from T135663: Copy Patrol interface columns collide too soon:

When you shrink the browser size, the green and red button size shrinks as well. This looks fine for the Page fixed button, because the text stays centered, but the text on the No action needed button starts to get cut off.

no action button.jpg (471×996 px, 95 KB)

Event Timeline

@DannyH Does reducing text size seem like a good idea?

DannyH renamed this task from Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases to Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases, Editor and Diff columns collide.Jun 15 2016, 6:33 PM
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Jun 16 2016, 5:54 PM
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH set the point value for this task to 2.
DannyH moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.
DannyH renamed this task from Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases, Editor and Diff columns collide to Copy Patrol: No action needed button reduces in size when browser size decreases.Jun 17 2016, 10:13 PM
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)

Try it out at

If the window is at around 775px in width, the text of buttons will be hugging the edge of the button, but it's still legible. This seems like a minor detail we shouldn't worry about.

This looks great, we're good.