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Make sure no_data error messages from Earwig's API are output in CopyPatrol
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Sometimes Earwig's API returns a no_data error:
{"status": "error", "error": {"code": "no_data", "info": "No text could be found in the given URL (note that only HTML and plain text pages are supported, and content generated by JavaScript or found inside iframes is ignored)"}}

We should output that in the compare screen. Right now it just says: "Error! API returned no data."

Event Timeline

kaldari triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 16 2016, 5:22 PM
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari moved this task from New & TBD Tickets to Needs Discussion on the Community-Tech board.
DannyH set the point value for this task to 1.Jun 16 2016, 5:23 PM
DannyH moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.