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Investigation: Figure out a way to mark old items from the EranBot page as triaged
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Using the WikiProject filters, users will see items in the first page of results that were already checked using the on-wiki EranBot interface. Copy Patrol is displaying every entry from the database, but we don't currently have a way to mark items that have already been checked, so we'll be displaying a lot of "open cases" that have already been triaged.

We need a way to mark items that have been triaged through the EranBot interface as closed.

Danny's probably-stupid suggestion is to have a human (ie Danny) go through all of the old archive pages from May 2016 back, and make a list of the cases that are a) not triaged and b) not redlinks. There actually aren't very many of those still-open cases. Then we use that list as a whitelist, and automatically mark everything else from May 2016 back as triaged.

Is there a less stupid way to do this?

Note: We can discount the really old cases from this; see T138317: Filter out all cases before June 20, 2016.