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Update to the tooltip text
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Right now, the tooltips on the buttons say: "The edit was a copyright violation and has been fixed" and "The edit is a false positive, nothing needs to be done".

Legal suggested that we don't label a specific edit as "copyright violation", because it's a legal term and that's not our area. The problem for us is that it's copy and paste from another site, and that's against WP policy. I'm also not crazy about "false positive", because it's a comment on the bot's performance rather than the edit.

How about this:

"This edit was copy and paste, it's now been fixed"

"No problem with this edit, nothing needs to be done"

I'm not married to those, so it's open for suggestions.

Event Timeline

Small detail: one of those suggestions is in the past tense and the other is in present tense.

Some more suggestions:

True PositiveFalse positive
This edit had been plagiarized from another source and it's now fixedThis was not a plagiarized edit
This edit was in violation of WP policy and has been corrected/fixedThis edit was not in violation of WP policy and nothing needs to be done

How about this?

This edit violated WP policy, and it's now been fixed

This edit didn't violate WP policy, nothing needs to be done