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Create a reviewer leaderboard for CopyPatrol
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


We should create an interface that shows the top reviewers for CopyPatrol.

Show the top 5 for the last 7 days, 30 days and all-time.

Under the leaderboards, show the user's stats: "Your last 7 days", "Your last 30 days", "Your all-time"

copypatrol leaderboard.png (493×947 px, 56 KB)

If the current user's name appears in the list, it should be rendered in bold.

Event Timeline

kaldari triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 25 2016, 2:57 PM
kaldari moved this task from New & TBD Tickets to Needs Discussion on the Community-Tech board.

@kaldari @Niharika @MusikAnimal

What do you think of this? It shows the top 5 in the last 7 days, 30 days and all time, plus it shows the user their own stats for those time periods.

copypatrol leaderboard.png (493×947 px, 56 KB)

Something to keep in mind: Does having a leaderboard encourage people to go too fast, eager to run up their numbers without due care and attention?

I don't think that's likely -- it's one of those "what if our feature is too successful" questions that I'm skeptical about -- but it's something to keep in mind once it's up and running.

Looks awesome! And I made #2 of all-time, beating Niharika by one review! :)

On enwiki the Wiki Cup, GA Cup, and STiki, etc, all have leaderboards and are success stories. I like how West.andrew.g put it, "We aren't going to find a cure for edit-count-itis [by removing or renaming the leaderboard]".

When it says "Your last x days: y", you assume the current user does not appear in the leaderboard. I suggest when they do appear in the leaderboard, their name should be highlighted/appear in bold/different color.

kaldari set the point value for this task to 5.Jul 11 2016, 5:32 PM
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari edited projects, added Community-Tech-Sprint; removed Community-Tech.

Don't forget to filter Community Tech bot from the leaderboard :)

"Back to CopyPatrol" seems redundant since the icon does the same thing. (Sorry, I should have made this point earlier.)

And the highlighted texts "30 days", "All time"... give the user the vibe that they are links.

The underlines probably aren't needed, but personally, I like the Back link. @DannyH: You make the call :)

Okay, a few things:

  • Yeah, the underlines don't look good; we can get rid of them.
  • Change "All time" to "All time cases closed", so all three can be on two lines.
  • "Back to CopyPatrol" is the signal that you haven't lost your place. It makes people more comfortable, when they've got a breadcrumb trail.
  • We should have a thousand separator in the numbers. (In general, we should always have a thousand separator; it's one of those things that bug me.)
  • It's awesome to see that Sphilbrick has done more than 50, and Wiae is close to 100! This tool is working; y'all are doing a really good job with this. :)

@Niharika @kaldari @DannyH updated per recommendations (44a2723) and at

I also removed the "Source" link from the header, which Ryan pointed out. Most people don't care about the source (but they should!!!!), and those who do know to check the footer.