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"No editor found" lasts for hours
Closed, DuplicatePublic2 Estimated Story Points


Copy Patrol shows "No editor found" on all new cases. The cases get updated with the editor info, but it seems to take maybe six hours. EranBot's page has the editor's info, apparently immediately. Is there a way that we can get that info for new cases?

Event Timeline

I'm guessing Eranbot uses the API, and we can too. I've got a quick demo up at (this is just as a proof of concept, not ready for code review :) It seems to go pretty fast, and the big advantage here of course is we're hitting production data so we'll always get the user info we want.

However the API sometimes refuses requests when it is overloaded, making us wait N seconds before attempting the query again. Sometimes this maxlag can get very high. I talked to Bryan and since we're only doing reads, I think we can adjust our configuration to be more aggressive so we don't run into this issue.

That being said, if we want to move forward with this approach I think we should adopt an API framework to clean up the code. This will be especially helpful once we add rollback and templating features, and if we throw in the bot credentials we can speed up the API queries even more. Ultimately with the editing features we might run into the maxlag issues, but we can deal with that when the time comes.

DannyH set the point value for this task to 2.Jun 30 2016, 5:23 PM
DannyH moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.

It looks like this isn't a problem anymore, because of the work on T139082: Add API framework to CopyPatrol.

Should we close this ticket?

I think so. The API will work well for us, I believe