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Discovery of annotations
Closed, DeclinedPublic

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Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
Referenced Files
F4822865: 2discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822866: 5discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822859: 9discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822860: 4discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822864: 6discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822870: 1discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822858: 3discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM
F4822861: 7discovery.png
Nov 22 2016, 3:57 PM


Reading an article about the lunar eclipse, Michelle finds an interesting annotation about the "Parrot crater". She quickly finds the relevant article about the crater she didn't know before.

Some of these can work together, some cant. Also some are more suitable for Wikipedias than Commons.

WARNING: The table below is not really a table, just saving vertical space
1discovery.png (440×964 px, 215 KB)
2discovery.png (440×1 px, 231 KB)
3discovery.png (500×824 px, 152 KB)
4discovery.png (607×664 px, 256 KB)
5discovery.png (440×971 px, 229 KB)
6discovery.png (500×824 px, 231 KB)
7discovery.png (620×575 px, 251 KB)
8discovery.png (607×664 px, 256 KB)
9discovery.png (500×824 px, 162 KB)


  • Obtrusiveness
  • Permanence of change in page


  • Readers don't randomly hover on images and need a more obvious way to discover annotations
  • Editors won't mind information coming from a different wiki (Commons) to be displayed in their articles, and possibly change some formatting

Event Timeline

Idea - Text links in an article or the file description should be able to show annotations.

MarkTraceur moved this task from Untriaged to Next up on the Multimedia board.

So, 7 is kind of our status quo (with the gadget), and we also have 1 and 2 working in the current master (with 2 augmented to wait for scroll). 3 looks like an emulation of ImageMaps, so that could be a familiar workflow for people. I think 4 would get unwieldy if there were too many annotations on an image, but it might be useful for videos. 5 will have people having MediaWikiIsNotFacebook seizures, and more helpfully, the icon may be confusing in some contexts. I'm not sure 6 would be immediately clear, but after a while people would get used to it. 8 is a cool idea (I can't remember the last time anyone used GuidedTour), and 9 could work well enough also (but it seems like just a variation on 3).

Ramsey-WMF changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 17 2017, 5:14 PM
Ramsey-WMF lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.
Ramsey-WMF added a project: SDC General.
Ramsey-WMF subscribed.

Since the 2016/2017 FileAnnotations prototype work is now quite outdated and both Wikidata and Commons have new features and design plans (like moving new features to Vue.js on Commons), and the extension is not actively under development, the best thing to do is close these tasks and create new ones when/if there's a team available to pick up development on this feature.