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One pl.wikisource page including the text of 700 other pages hits parser limits
Closed, InvalidPublic


I have a problem with this book:,_Obrazki_i_Fantazye/całość

Almost 150 pages are not visible. Something went wrong, but I don't see any error :(

Event Timeline

Not being fluent in Polish, and with no page numbering on the work it is tricky to be able to comment on where/if the break occurs. Are you able to provide some detail on what and where is the problem?

Usually I look for weird/broken/open tags or code first, those that may not show readily in a chapter, but show over a whole work.

Looking at the page information, it seems to show many pages. Are the pages that you see as missing listed? Have you tried to shorten the inclusion list to see what that does, especially if you break somewhere within the missing pages? to see what that does.

Have you done a search of the raw html output/source to look for missing text?

Does the report from that page assist?

NewPP limit report
Parsed by mw1304
Cached time: 20170215090937
Cache expiry: 2592000
Dynamic content: false
CPU time usage: 3.284 seconds
Real time usage: 4.083 seconds
Preprocessor visited node count: 50451/1000000
Preprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000
Post‐expand include size: 2097152/2097152 bytes
Template argument size: 172516/2097152 bytes
Highest expansion depth: 10/40
Expensive parser function count: 1/500
Lua time usage: 0.373/10.000 seconds
Lua memory usage: 1.94 MB/50 MB

Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00% 3698.296      1 -total
5.71%  211.223    175 Szablon:Korekta
5.03%  186.023    145 Szablon:Centruj
4.76%  175.921    684 MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_pagenum_template
4.39%  162.414    133 Szablon:---
3.60%  132.992   6442 Szablon:Tab
1.40%   51.611     42 Szablon:Kor
1.20%   44.206     38 Szablon:C
1.02%   37.640      1 Strona:PL_Józef_Ignacy_Kraszewski_-_Nowele,_Obrazki_i_Fantazye.djvu/003
0.91%   33.725     28 Szablon:F

Saved in parser cache with key plwikisource:pcache:idhash:550845-0!*!0!*!*!4!* and timestamp 20170215090933 and revision id 1406501

As a comment, plWS seems to use <pages> differently to what I am used to doing. I would normally just use the subpage numbers with an index parameter of the djvu, so a little harder to make sense for me without doing a lot of digging.

The problem appears when the total size of pages to be transcluded exceeds 2MB:

Post‐expand include size: 2097152/2097152 bytes

Can this limit be changed for Wikisources?
Or can ProofreadPage be modified to avoid being hit by this limit in <pages>-based transclusions?

Yep, though from memory and the documentation it should spit out an error message.

Anyway@Aklapper can you identify who is the mediawiki expert on the setting of $wgMaxArticleSize that can at least do some explanation and allow a light review of the limit and its accordance with the browsers of today. Thanks.

The following warning is displayed on the preview page:

Uwaga – zbyt duża wielkość wykorzystanych szablonów. Niektóre szablony nie zostaną użyte.

If somebody does not use preview, they will not see the error.
The pege is assigned to the special category:

Kategoria:Strony, w których przekroczone jest ograniczenie wielkości użytych szablonów

However, unsure if it will appear in that category automatically, if the limit is not exceeded while creating/modifying a page in the main namespace, but when a transcluded template (or a page in the Page namespace) grows up so that the transcluding page exceeds the limit. In such case there is also no chance that a user can see any error.

Aklapper can you identify who is the mediawiki expert on the setting of $wgMaxArticleSize that can at least do some explanation and allow a light review of the limit and its accordance with the browsers of today. Thanks.


This has nothing to do with article size, you are just including too much stuff (see post-expansion limit below). It's not acceptable to serve pages bigger than this, just split the page.

NewPP limit report
Parsed by mw1305
Cached time: 20170216114615
Cache expiry: 2592000
Dynamic content: false
CPU time usage: 3.024 seconds
Real time usage: 3.990 seconds
Preprocessor visited node count: 50451/1000000
Preprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000
Post‐expand include size: 2097152/2097152 bytes
Template argument size: 172516/2097152 bytes
Highest expansion depth: 10/40
Expensive parser function count: 1/500
Lua time usage: 0.316/10.000 seconds
Lua memory usage: 1.9 MB/50 MB
Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00% 3517.228      1 -total
  5.37%  189.038    175 Szablon:Korekta
  4.37%  153.622    684 MediaWiki:Proofreadpage_pagenum_template
  4.30%  151.088    145 Szablon:Centruj
  3.90%  137.075    133 Szablon:---
  3.19%  112.079   6442 Szablon:Tab
  1.28%   44.943     42 Szablon:Kor
  1.09%   38.471     38 Szablon:C
  0.84%   29.687     28 Szablon:F
  0.76%   26.702    141 Szablon:Pk

<!-- Saved in parser cache with key plwikisource:pcache:idhash:550845-0!*!0!*!*!4!* and timestamp 20170216114611 and revision id 1406501
Nemo_bis renamed this task from Text included by a proof-read system is not visible to One pl.wikisource page including the text of 700 other pages hits parser limits.Feb 16 2017, 4:30 PM
Nemo_bis closed this task as Invalid.
Nemo_bis triaged this task as Medium priority.