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Add language support for Bengali
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Started the bot to analyze Bengali Wikipedia:

tools.dexbot@tools-bastion-03:~/pywikibot-core$ jsub -once -N bn_bwds -mem 7g -l release=trusty /data/project/dexbot/pywikibot-core/p3_2/bin/python /data/project/dexbot/pywikibot-core/ /data/project/dexbot/pywikibot-core/scripts/ /public/dumps/public/bnwiki/20170301/bnwiki-20170301-pages-meta-history.xml.bz2 
Your job 3887310 ("bn_bwds") has been submitted

It will be in in several hours to review.

Halfak moved this task from Completed to Review on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.

This has been fixed in deltas. Please update deltas dependency to 0.4.6 and try again.