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Convert MediaWiki extensions WikiLove and MassMessage to use OOUI
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This project is about converting MediaWiki extensions WikiLove and MassMessage to use OOUI.

OOUI is the Wikimedia Foundation's widget library that follows our style guide. We are trying to move all interfaces to this new library
so that we no longer have a mix of old CSS, no CSS and jQuery UI. For the project you'll need to:

  • Look at the current design of the extension and see how it can be redesigned using OOUI widgets, dialogs, and layouts
  • Migrate the forms to HTMLForm where applicable
  • Switch the interface to using OOUI

There are many extensions and special pages that have already been converted:


Skills required

  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • UI design
  • Familiarity with OOUI & HTMLForm


Get started

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Event Timeline

Prtksxna added a subscriber: Mooeypoo.
Prtksxna removed a subscriber: Mooeypoo.

This message is for students interested in working on this project for Google-Summer-of-Code (2018)

  • Student application deadline is March 27 16:00 UTC.
  • If you have questions about eligibility, please read the GSoC rules thoroughly here Wikimedia will not be responsible for verifying your eligibility and also not be able to make any decisions on this. For any clarifying questions, please email
  • Ensure that by now you have already discussed your implementation approach with your mentors, completed a few bugs/microtasks and made a plan to move forward with the proposal
  • I encourage you to start creating your proposals on Phabricator now to receive timely feedback on them from mentors. Do not wait until the last minute. Give your mentors at least a week's time to review your proposal, so that you could then incorporate any suggestions for changes. Learn how to submit a proposal in our participant's guide: (Step 9)
  • Proposals that contain links to successfully merged patches before the application period and submitted on both Phabricator and GSoC portal will only be considered for the review process. So, between now and the application deadline, you could consider working on this task.
  • If you would like to chat with me more about the process or have questions, come and talk to me in the Zulip chat:

I'd like to do this project as part of GSoC 2018, so are there any micro tasks I should complete?

@ssaluja16 Thanks for your interest! Please see the "Get started" section in the task description for microtasks.

Thank you @srishakatux, I'll get started right away!
Is there anyone else who's taken up this project for GSoC?

So I completed the tutorial and quite enjoyed working with OOUI.
How should I proceed now, considering that there's very little time for the deadline?

@ssaluja16 Good to learn that you've got a chance to view the tutorials. Some of the next steps in the task description are:

  • Download and setup MediaWiki using Vagrant
  • Install and try the above mentioned extensions: WikiLove, MultimediaViewer and MassMessage
  • Take a look at easy tasks related to OOUI
  • Talk to us here, or on IRC: #wikimedia-dev or #wikimedia-editing

Have you got a chance to fix some easy bugs and talk to your mentors on IRC? If not, then that could be some of the next steps :)

Hey @srishakatux, thank you for the response.
I already have MediaWiki installed, so I'll get started on working on the extensions, and I'll work on the bugs for now.
@Prtksxna and @matmarex, do you have any particular tasks for me to perform like a project or should I go for bugs?

This comment was removed by ssaluja16.

@ssaluja16 I'm sorry, I didn't pick out anything in particular. Please feel free to take on any open task that sounds interesting or relevant.

Hey @matmarex, I saw T157886 and it piqued my interest so I started working on it.
I am using Spectrum( as a base to create an OOUI widget, do you think that will be feasible or should we let Spectrum be used as a standalone?
And in which part of OOUI should it reside in?

Isn't that a question to ask in T157886 itself? :)

@Aklapper, sorry, I wanted to let you know but got carried away in the flow :)
@Prtksxna, thanks, I will check it out, thank you.

Prtksxna renamed this task from Convert MediaWiki extensions WikiLove, MultimediaViewer and MassMessage to use OOUI to Convert MediaWiki extensions WikiLove and MassMessage to use OOUI.Sep 18 2018, 9:54 AM
Prtksxna updated the task description. (Show Details)
Prtksxna updated the task description. (Show Details)

I would like to be a part of this project for Outreachy winter'18. I saw the 'Get started' section in the task description for microtasks, so where can I solve these tasks?

Hey @Paarmita, I think a good first step would be to setup OOUI and [[ Mediawiki | ]]. Once you've familiarised yourself a little with the code you might want to try something like T201760: Disabled ButtonInputWidget features one too much – `disabled` and `aria-disabled="true"` attribute. I could try and look for more tasks if you have a specific area of interest. Do drop by IRC if you need any help!

@Prtksxna Thanks for the reply. I read the tutorial and set up vagrant and project, so now how can I proceed with the code base?

@Prtksxna Thanks for the reply. I read the tutorial and set up vagrant and project, so now how can I proceed with the code base?

For the particular task of T201760 you'll need to clone and setup OOUI, and then look at src/widgets/ButtonInputWidget.js.

@Prtksxna I'm been able to follow the steps but how can shift to a previous release of OOUI bz issue is for v0.27

@Paarmita: I replied in T201760#4607756, seems to be the same question? :)

This message is for all candidates interested in working on this project for Outreachy. Please make sure that before you start working on this project, you've filled out an initial application to help Outreachy organizers verify whether or not you are eligible to participate in the program: It should only take you 5 minutes to 30 minutes to complete.

Once you've submitted your initial application, it may take up to a week for Outreachy organizers to review your application and make a decision. Once you are approved, you can start working on the microtasks. In the meanwhile, read our participants guide and learn about the Wikimedia movement

@srishakatux Please what is the state of this project? Can this be sent to GSoC '19?

@srishakatux Please what is the state of this project? Can this be sent to GSoC '19?

@Eugene233 WikiLove will be removed from production at some point and so it doesn't make sense to convert it to OOUI. Converting MassMessage alone to OOUI, while important work will not be big enough for GSoC project.

WikiLove will be removed from production at some point

@Prtksxna: Is there a task for this / any references for that statement?

@Prtksxna: Is there a task for this / any references for that statement?

I am not able to find any reference for that claim. I do remember hearing it but since I can't figure out where I rescind my statement. I am sorry for the confusion this caused 😓

Does it still make sense to port to OOUI first or should this be ported to Codex?

Sounds like T89815: Convert WikiLove from jQuery UI to OOUI was declined because the assumption was that we would just migrate that feature directly to Vue (though maybe if we had just gone ahead with this 2 years ago, we'd have an OOUI version of WikiLove that we could live with a while longer since it would at least look more consistent and modern).

TheDJ claimed this task.
TheDJ subscribed.

mass message is now ooui and wikilove is codex/vue