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Display entity & article namespace completion search together
Open, MediumPublic


Right now, wikidata completion search box only searches entity namespaces. We may want to be able to search titles in article namespaces too, e.g. when searching for Wikidata:Project chat we may want to display both entity with label "Wikidata:Project chat" and the actual page having this title.

Current proposal for implementing this is:

  1. Refactor GUI code so that instead of Wikidata fully replacing completion search box, the standard box allows augmenting the result set data and display
  2. Make the GUI code for standard implementation call standard title search, and in addition Wikidata part of the code calls wbsearchentities, as now
  3. Display both sets of results (likely wbsearchentities first, title search second)

See more discussion of it in

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EBjune triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 29 2018, 5:11 PM

I think the frontend shoul be able to get this today by issuing two api requests, for entities an regular completion search? We could optimize later if it's a perf problem,

I think the frontend should be able to get this today by issuing two api requests

Yes, though the larger goal is to also get rid of Wikidata overriding the whole search box, and instead make it run standard API request and have small(er) pluggable Wikidata part than runs the second request. This is not a requirement to implement the functionality but is The Right Thing (TM) :)

This issue has raised a lot of concerns at the OpenStreetMap wiki after wikibase installation. Is it possible to disable wikibase search suggestions until this ticket is implemented? Thx!

See T205560: Add option to disable Wikibase’ custom search box for @Yurik’s feature request. (This task is much more general, if I understand correctly.)


I am appending to this ticket our WB search experience to this ticket, hoping it can be added to the list for troubleshooting? In my user preference, the default search is set to all available options. On Apr 22, I created a wiki page to documents project procedures, https://*** However, at the end of the day and following days, the only way to find the page is through <Contributions> link after signing in. <screenshot>

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 8.54.57 AM.png (816×543 px, 130 KB)

I created close to 100 items on Apr 25. However, none of them, including the named wiki page is retrievable via search or from the <Recent changes> link. The server was restarted on Apr 25. Nothing changed. Searches return zero result. Will the community suggest ways to troubleshoot this? Many thanks!
