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Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please add the language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani to the list of language codes supported for monolingual text values.

  1. ja-Hira
  2. ja-Kana
  3. ja-Hrkt
  4. ja-Hani
  5. ojp
    • Language code: ojp
    • Language name: (Late) Old Japanese Language
    • Used script: kanji + kana
    • Wikidata item:
    • Usage example: ①Old Japanese adjective for "beautiful" (lexeme not created yet) → "美し"@ojp and "うつくし"@ojp-Hira, ② Word stem ( of ① → "美"@ojp and "うつく"@ja-Hira
  6. ojp-Hira
  7. ojp-Hani

The Japanese language is written in the combination of kanji (Chinese characters), hiragana and katakana scripts, so its words have many notation variabilities (kanji[+hiragana] vs hiragana, hiragana vs katakana, katakana vs kanji, etc) in the standard Japanese. In association with the release of lexicographical data support on Wikidata, we need to distinguish the Japanese texts by their written scripts. For example, currently the lexeme has only one lemme "食べる"@ja, but "たべる"@ja (ja-Hira) should also be the lemme of this lexeme. Word stem ( of L545 can take both "食"@ja and "た"@ja (ja-Hira), too.

Also, like the language code "ang" (Old English), "ojp" is needed to represent the Old Japanese words, whose grammar is very different to that of the current Japanese language. And "ojp-Hira" and "ojp-Hani" are required for the same reason.

Event Timeline

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani to z3baaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:07 AM
Vvjjkkii triaged this task as High priority.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
Liuxinyu970226 renamed this task from z3baaaaaaa to Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani.Jul 2 2018, 4:31 AM
Liuxinyu970226 updated the task description. (Show Details)
CommunityTechBot raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Jul 5 2018, 6:55 PM

I have no objection in principle. Perhaps it could be better done in Wikidata with properties, but if people who work with Japanese think that it's better with language codes, it's fine with me.

Change 628473 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331; owner: Mbch331):
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani

Change 628474 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mbch331; owner: Mbch331):
[mediawiki/extensions/cldr@master] Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani

Change 628474 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/cldr@master] Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani

Only the cldr patch has been merged. Wikibase patch is still open.

Change 628473 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Add monolingual language code ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira, ojp-Hani

@Okkn what about Japanese written in latin?

Wikidata item:
IETF: ja-Latn

@Okkn what about Japanese written in latin?

Wikidata item:
IETF: ja-Latn

Please create a new ticket if you want it added. This ticket is implemented and closed.