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Document that session TTL mismatch between Kask and MediaWiki (or other applications) will be silently ignored
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Per T222907, we've decided that Kask will not use per-request TTLs, nor will it warn if the client tries to set per-request TTLs.

We will not put in complicated error-handling or logging code to check for mismatches between Kask's and MediaWiki's session-expiry times. We will assume that well-informed humans will not set those two values to wildly disparate values.

This should be made explicit with a warning comment in at least two places:

  • config.yaml.sample
  • the production config.yaml for WMF (I'm not sure where this lives)

Suggested warning text suggestion:

WARNING: a mismatch between default_ttl and your application's session timeout value might cause subtle problems in your application. Make sure that they are the same (in MediaWiki, the configuration option is $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry).

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I'm not sure config.yaml.sample is a good place. There isn't anything MediaWiki/Session storage-specific about Kask, and this warning is (specific). It'd be confusing in every other context.

In the short-term, production configuration lives in deploy1001:/srv/scap-helm/sessionstore/sessionstore-{codfw,eqiad,staging}-values.yaml. I've updated each of these files with the following comment.

# WARNING: The value of $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry in MediaWiki must
# correspond to the TTL defined here; If you alter default_ttl, update
# MediaWiki accordingly or problems with session renewal/expiry may occur.
default_ttl: 86400

Longer-term, these files will be version-controlled as part of operations/deployment-charts repository (and will be initialized from the above files).

Eevans triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 4 2019, 4:09 PM
Eevans added a project: User-Eevans.

In the short-term, production configuration lives in deploy1001:/srv/scap-helm/sessionstore/sessionstore-{codfw,eqiad,staging}-values.yaml. I've updated each of these files with the following comment.

# WARNING: The value of $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry in MediaWiki must
# correspond to the TTL defined here; If you alter default_ttl, update
# MediaWiki accordingly or problems with session renewal/expiry may occur.
default_ttl: 86400

Longer-term, these files will be version-controlled as part of operations/deployment-charts repository (and will be initialized from the above files).

FYI; Just leaving this ticket open to followup later and ensure that these comments make into the Git repository.

In the short-term, production configuration lives in deploy1001:/srv/scap-helm/sessionstore/sessionstore-{codfw,eqiad,staging}-values.yaml. I've updated each of these files with the following comment.

# WARNING: The value of $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry in MediaWiki must
# correspond to the TTL defined here; If you alter default_ttl, update
# MediaWiki accordingly or problems with session renewal/expiry may occur.
default_ttl: 86400

Longer-term, these files will be version-controlled as part of operations/deployment-charts repository (and will be initialized from the above files).

FYI; Just leaving this ticket open to followup later and ensure that these comments make into the Git repository.

These comments have landed in the deployment-charts repo; This is done