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[Bug] Dismissing external survey thanks user for the feedback
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. Show an external survey. E.g., http://localhost:8181/w/index.php?title=Foo&quicksurvey=external-survey-external+example+survey&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile.
  2. Tap "no thanks"

Beta cluster link

Expected results

  • The survey is dismissed with an apology for the bother.

Actual results

  • The survey is dismissed with gratitude for feedback not given. This is confusing.

localhost_8181_w_index.php_title=Foo&quicksurvey=external-survey-external+example+survey&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile.png (600×600 px, 72 KB)

localhost_8181_w_index.php_title=Foo&quicksurvey=external-survey-external+example+survey&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile (1).png (272×600 px, 34 KB)

Environments observed

  • Browser version: Chromium v74.0.3729.169
  • OS version: Ubuntu v19.04
  • Device model: Desktop
  • Device language: English

Event Timeline

ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Needs Prioritization on the Web-Team-Backlog board.

This could be done by filtering for the 'ext-quicksurveys-external-survey-no-button' in QuickSurvey.js:submit and setting a different panel.

Jhernandez subscribed.

Reproduced this bug in beta cluster, it is still valid.

We had a chat, and @aminalhazwani will have a look at this and propose what behavior we should implement.

This task suggests currently implementing The survey is dismissed with an apology for the bother screen, but we may opt to dismiss the survey and not show anything instead.

Hi @Jhernandez I updated task T292555: Dismiss survey behaviour after a user answers to a survey with the latest design updates. Feel free to leave comments or close it if you don't have additional questions, thanks!

Jhernandez claimed this task.

Boldly resolving this :D