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Möte 1 Riksdagsförvaltningen Swedish Government
Open, MediumPublic5 Estimated Story Points

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Oct 15 2019, 3:15 PM
Referenced Files
F36948024: image.png
Apr 12 2023, 9:22 AM
F30986232: image.png
Nov 4 2019, 1:08 PM
F30903134: image.png
Nov 4 2019, 12:51 PM
F30903172: image.png
Nov 4 2019, 12:51 PM
F30903152: image.png
Nov 4 2019, 12:51 PM
F30928379: 426934F8-188E-4E97-8FBB-2A798CFEFF45.png
Oct 30 2019, 4:08 PM
F30928185: image.png
Oct 30 2019, 2:37 PM
F30928192: image.png
Oct 30 2019, 2:37 PM


Plats: Riksdagen Jakobsgatan 6, våning 5.
Tid: 29/10 kl 13.00 
Längd: 30 - 60 minuter


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Event Timeline

Salgo60 renamed this task from Möte 1 Riksdagsförvaltningen to Möte 1 Riksdagsförvaltningen Swedish Government.Oct 26 2019, 9:46 AM
Salgo60 closed this task as Resolved.EditedOct 29 2019, 2:55 PM
Salgo60 claimed this task.
Salgo60 moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Magnus Sälgö board.

Var hos Riksdagsförvaltningen och beskrev lite hur Wikipedia Wikidata Wikicommon Wikibase fungerar


  • dom gillar identifierare
  • dom sa spontant att dom borde ha Wikidata Qnummer i sin databas
  • dom undrade om vi var intresserade av deras dokument jag sa... hm... låter intressant
    • min fundering är om vi kan lägga in alla dokument i Wikidata och skapa ett liknande verktyg för politiska dokument som finns för vetenskapliga rapporter med Scholia där vi skulle kunna se
      • vilka ämnen en politiker motionerar om
      • vilka motioner som senast lagts i ett ämne
      • att kunna göra detta för alla Europas länder
      • att utnyttja Wikidata och kunna ha ämnesord tillgängliga på alla språk
      • se vilka politiska block som lägger vilka förslag inom vilka ämnesområden
  • dom har planer på att alla deras motioner/?!?? skall märkas upp med en thesaurus Eurovoc som idag finns i Wikidata Property:P5437
  • dom har hela riksdagstrycket 1521-1970 scannat och ocr funderar på att köra entitets matchning NER på det, i min hjärna borde Wikidata vara en bra källa för Riksdagsledamöter eftersom vi tills 2018 kopplat alla artiklar i Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon till Wikidata tweet
  • dom hade Riksdagsdebatter i CC0 i ljudformat och undra om det var något för Wiki världen
  • verkar finnas en hel del teknisk skuld som att peri byte inte stöds
  • jag visade strukturerat data i wikicommons och dom tyckte det var helt rätt och såg möjlighet att ha riksdagsdebatter kopplad till person och ämne i Wikidata
  • dagens länkning i sv:Wikipedia bör ändras till<WD ID> se ändring

Nästa steg:

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Interesting UI were you can jump between different people see page aktuell-debatt/aktuell-debatt-med-anledning-av-det-hoga-antalet_H7C120191025ad

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Voterings API

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Dokument lista

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Why "a tool similar to Scholia" and not just Scholia?

;-) no good answer but guess we will have different user cases as politicians are related in other ways as researchers. You also maybe should have an parameter how they vote in the election, links to them speaking in the parliament....

My impression when speaking with the people doing the application was that they had a good understanding of IT and the importance of good structure. I played today around with the API and it feels there is no technical problem following a parliament members opinion, documents written and voting in a totally new way... And we also have the parameter of “valkrets” that Scholia doesn’t .....

But this is just my first impression....

Today’s user interface also has very good support from a mobile

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Feels like you could get notifications when someone from your part of the country speak or a topic you have subscribed on is live...

Or if you read an Wikiarticle that is related to a Eurovoc Wikidata property you could get a feed what and who has spoken about it...

Well, as i understand it, Scholia has many different aspects that each are tailored for a specific use. It would probably be almost trivial to add views for politicians, motions, and political subject. I would suggest to actually propose that to Scholia to get their views before planning to build a tool.

We did a try asking Scholia support with no success.... maybe a "plugin-architecture" could be they way forward i.e. we fork the solution they have and add functionality and if we agree we try to create "Scholia modules" that target different areas like researchers, politicians, medicine, genealogy, natural science

I think step 1

  1. think about the possibilities
  2. what is possible in Sweden, I guess we rather easy can get the documents but also access the debates... what is available in other countries...
  3. what can be done in more countries than Sweden
    1. maybe get input from podehaye
  4. what can we get from EU
    1. I have not understood what/how information we get from EU
      2. apps
        1. cool app
  5. my feeling was that the people at Riksdagen had the same vision so maybe think together and see what they will deliver and see the added value if Wikidata/Wikipedia gets involved
    1. See
      1. looks like you have everything transcribed protokoll-201718138-tisdagen-den-26-juni_H509138
        1. could this be something for Wikimedia Sverige projects voice to text....
  6. We also have the SOFI people who works with minority languages I feel they should somehow fit into this equation. Maybe having explanations matching the Eurovoc thesaurus (Wikidata Property 5437)

Sent in a question to Swedish Broadcast SR how they classify what they send see link and if there is a match with e.g. Eurovoc or Riksdagen I can see the added value and much better precision if they started to use Linked data

facebook discussion about fact checking organisations in Wikidata. Maybe Wikidata can add value connecting Eurovoc, Swedish parliament and fact checking organisations

Hey Magnus, thanks for sending me this thread!

Adding more content from the parliament on Wikidata with cross-IDs sounds like a good idea!

I didn't read everything but here's a first list of points, from the perspective of transparency, anticorruption, lobbying scrutiny...

  1. the Swedish parliament has been good with open data for almost ten years now, their APIs are great, their website is well built.
  2. however, due to the way legislationmaking is done in Sweden today, most of this data is useless from a transparency perspective. The data they released is a ground on which to build but they're (probably unintentionally and sometimes intentionally) avoiding to release any data that could be harmful and for that reason there is no way to draw any meaningful conclusions from it on lobbying activities.
  3. two examples: the MP's economic interests are still unpublished and only accessible through a tedious process which requires you to go to the library on Gamla Stan and pay 2000kr to get a copy. There are also no minutes of committee meetings, which is where the negotiations happen. When asking why, they tell you that it's an important tradition of the Swedish democracy that allows independence. In most democracies, it's considered a shady practice.

That's all for the parliament's data. That being said, at Civic Tech Sweden, we are interested in the following data to be integrated on Wikidata:

  • data on MPs and political parties, their "uppdrag" and their political career
  • structured data on the legislationmaking process. The parliament tried to create links between the different documents (SOU, Regeringsförslag, Betankände) but it's not super good. I sent them feedback but I don't think they listened, we could maybe try again, or we could rely on Wikidata for this, but the data would need to be imported automatically. We need rapidly updated data for projects such as Din Riksdag. When working on this, it would be important to discuss with the founder of, Staffan, who has a deeper knowledge about this than anyone else, and has done most of the job for his website.

At Civic Tech Sweden, we already started opening data and integrating it in Wikidata but in line with what I wrote above, we're focusing on data which could have an actual impact on anticorruption. We opened for example remiss data with the project OpenRemiss. We started to integrate some of it on Wikidata to create a register of lobbying organisations and individuals, the goal being to map all the interest groups in Sweden.
Something we would like to do is to link individuals (potentially former MPs or public workers) and the interest groups in which they worked after the end of their political career. That would be mostly manual as there is no existing public database but would thus hold a great value for transparency and investigative journalists. One problem might be that some of this information would be public data? Unlike public office, I'm unsure if it's possible to publish someone's job in a private organisation on Wikidata? What if it's an interest group? What if we want to publish the fact that a person is member of a club or association?

@PierreMesure I think this area is more than interesting and very complex.... The potential I see is that with Linked data we could scale solutions and use a tool like Wikidata to combine different domains.,...

I think you should look into Wikibase its a local version of Wikidata that is free to download and the priority nr 1 from the Wikidata engineering to make shine this week see last week conf in Berlin

  • Interesting usage today of Wikibase

Wikibase is rather technical and best channel for info is the Telegram Wikibase group see also Wikibase Community User Group

There is an "Wikidata" app called Scholia were you use data in Wikidata and builds relations / citation graphs of scientific papers see link.... My guess is that we should try to have a platform like that and then connect data from more domains maybe using WIkibase....

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I trust you on the technical implementation, I'm just pointing out where it's worth to put efforts to have an impact in terms of transparency and anticorruption.

I'm sure @Ainali has a lot of insights from the EU parliament too.

Sure but step one is to understand who is in the parliament.... ;-)

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I guess next step are

  • identify more sources
  • understand how to connect them
  • if the data should be in Wikidata or something like Wikibase
  • ,,,,,
Salgo60 changed the status of subtask T237017: Riksdagstrycket from Open to Stalled.Feb 25 2021, 6:35 PM
Aklapper moved this task from Backlog to Done on the User-Salgo60 board.

Uppdaterat 2023

  • Riksdagens Öppna data frågar vad folk gör se email skickat
    • jag har en publik Öppen skuggbacklog med saker jag och andra ser borde fixas med Riksdagens data - dom vet om den men reagerar knappt - tycker mig se att data modellen knappt ändras sedan 1993 då jag var konsult hos dom...
  • 2023 klara dom forfarande logga inrapporterade fel och ge oss helpdesk exempel ppå itydlighet är när Wikipedia upptcäler att dom skapar dubbla person id och kan inte fixa det eller rapportera tillbaka det
  • ett nytt projekt Välfärden analyseras har skapats mycket med fokus på historiskt Riksdags data men känns som dom jobbar mer proffsigt med TEI och kopplar sig till Wikidata - deras GITHUB issues

Exempel TEI i detta projekt med samma som Wikidata

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Salgo60 triaged this task as Medium priority.
Salgo60 set the point value for this task to 3.
Salgo60 changed the point value for this task from 3 to 5.

Se Wikidata_riksdagen-corpus/issues/173 nytt möte initierat från Riksdagens IT

Aklapper subscribed.

@Salgo60: Removing task assignee as this open task has been assigned for more than two years - see the email sent to all task assignees on 2024-04-15.
Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome! :)
If this task has been resolved in the meantime, or should not be worked on by anybody ("declined"), please update its task status via "Add Action… 🡒 Change Status".
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