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Plan for continuous involvement of volunteers in F2F fundraising
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In 2020 we focus on F2F with paid staff to test out scripts and experiment with different types of payment options, places to work from a, technical solutions, methods and more. Based on these findings we will develop ways to engage volunteers in 2021-forward.

Our current theory is that the volunteers would focus on attracting new members and to inform about the organization at different events to attract new volunteers for different tasks, e.g. a slightly different focus than what the paid staff would focus on. Depending on the outcome of the experiments in 2020 we might adjust our theory. Possibly the volunteers could work in similar ways like the paid canvassers but for shorter periods and in areas we otherwise would not be able to target due to limited resources.

Event Timeline

Eric_Luth_WMSE renamed this task from Communication plan - introducing F2F too volunteers to Communication plan - introducing F2F to volunteers.Aug 10 2020, 8:06 AM
Jopparn renamed this task from Communication plan - introducing F2F to volunteers to Plan for continuous involvement of volunteers in F2F fundraising.Aug 29 2020, 5:04 AM
Aklapper added subscribers: Eric_Luth_WMSE, Aklapper.

@Eric_Luth_WMSE: Removing task assignee as this open task has been assigned for more than two years - See the email sent to task assignee on Feburary 22nd, 2023.
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