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Some boundary of large bodies of water not rendered on Kartographer's map
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For some reason serveral large objects are missing on Wikimedia maps, e.g.:

Take a look at the map on

Screenshot.png (462×880 px, 58 KB)

Ladoga Lake is not visible on the Wikimedia layer of the map on the left, but the lake is present on the Mapnik layer of the map on the right.

Acceptance Criteria

Regenerate zoom levels of the following geometries:

Event Timeline

Avsolov updated the task description. (Show Details)

To be more precise, all issues we have so far found are related to the boundary of large bodies of water.

Aklapper renamed this task from Some objects are not rendered on Kartographer's map to Some boundary of large bodies of water not rendered on Kartographer's map.Dec 16 2020, 10:49 PM

I have an impression it was working in the meanwhile, but it is not working now. Checked Lake Lucerne and Lake Seliger.

Yes, follow the other related tickets. The new db/sync worked for a while and then seems like it ran into the same problem the old one had. They are still investigating.

The lake is back now, let's hope the DB degradation issues are solved